Is The Secret Garden Sad

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When I was a kid, I wanted to read only books with pictures like the illustrated "Alice in the Wonderland" or "Rip Van Winkle". Until I read "Silas Marner" with no pictures and I said, wow, books with no pictures are also great!
When I was a teenager, I said I don't like to read books that are hard to understand and read by adults until I read "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov and I said, wow, I did not know that th
I am now confused. I do not know anymore what is my preference when it comes to books.When I was a kid, I wanted to read only books with pictures like the illustrated "Alice in the Wonderland" or "Rip Van Winkle". Until I read "Silas Marner" with no pictures and I said, wow, books with no pictures are also great!
When I was a teenager, I said I don't like to read books that are hard to understand and read by adults until I read "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov and I said, wow, I did not know that there are authors who write this way!
When I was a young man, I said I do not want thick books because I do not have time for them until I read "War and Peace" and "The Fountainhead" and I said, wow, thick books can be really engaging and finishing them can give you a different high!
When I became a husband, my sex life became busy, I stopped heavy reading and concentrated on my job (not on copulating you silly) so I just grabbed some easy-read bestsellers like "The Da Vinci Code", "The Kite Runner" until my daughter came and I had to read some children's books to her and she loved them but I secretly hated them until I read to her "The Little Prince" and said, wow, there are still children's books that can speak to me even if I am a grown up man!
When I became a middle-aged man, I discovered Goodreads. There is an option to screen members who apply to become your friend by asking the applicant a question. I thought then that the choice of genre was important so I chose this question: What is your favorite literary genre?" and from then on, I have been accepting and ignoring invites based on his/her answer. I generally don't accept invites from people who say they don't have any preference. I thought that that kind of answer is wishy-washy or indecisive that reflects his or her not being a serious reader.
Prior to last year, I said, I don't want to read fantasy books. I am too old for that. Until, I read the whole series of J.R.R.Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and I say, wow, wow, wow, I did not know that I could still be amazed by a fantasy book about wizards, trolls, flying horse, monsters and little creatures!
This book, The Secret Garden is a kind of book that I would not even consider reading. It is neither a 501 nor a 1001 book. The reason why I read this is that it is one of the Top 100 Favorite Books of The Filipino Group here at Goodreads. We challenged ourselves to read all the chosen books so I gave this a try.
Story-wise, it is too sweeet. Saccharine corny. Predictable. Inappropriate for a middle-age man like me. Almost insulting to intelligence: feisty girl turns sweet girl. Sickly unwanted boy turns healthy. Then the boy and father embrace each other and profess love for one another. Hu hu hu. Books can just hit you without any warning. I was sad yet happy when I closed this book this morning. I think I am going crazy reading different books and experience all the different emotions while reading them.
So I don't know anymore. I don't know what I like in books. No more preferences. Ask me now, what is my favorite genre. I don't know.
But, the writing in this book is flawless. I have attended a novel-writing workshop last year and all the ingredients of a good novel are here: well-developed characters, each of them has his/her own distinct voice and transforming towards the end, milieu (the garden) is clearly described and very significant in the story, the internal and external conflicts are arranged like small-to-tall majorettes in a parade, the hooks at the end of each chapter, the climax, the falling action, the denouement ties up the loose ends from the conflicts. The theme is solid. The lessons, though corny, are school-textbook-kind of reminders: that love is important to make this world a better place and nature is beautiful so we have to take care of it.
I guess my realization is this: yes, at some points in our lives, we tend to prefer some literary genres over the others. However, the genre is secondary to the writing. If the writer is good, no matter in which genre the book belongs, he/she should be read.
It is not the genre, it is the writing.
The Written Review![]()
100 days into 2021 and 100 books have been read. Check out my latest BookTube Video to see which ones are my fave!
Orphaned Mary Lennox had a sour face, bitter temperment and dismal dispostion.
But could you blame her? Nine years old and she was barely shown an ounce of affection.
Her parents saw her as an accessory (to be paraded about for parties) and when they died, and Mary shipped off to live with a distant uncle...she felt just as alone as ever.
She spent her time on t
The Written Review![]()
100 days into 2021 and 100 books have been read. Check out my latest BookTube Video to see which ones are my fave!
Orphaned Mary Lennox had a sour face, bitter temperment and dismal dispostion.
But could you blame her? Nine years old and she was barely shown an ounce of affection.
Her parents saw her as an accessory (to be paraded about for parties) and when they died, and Mary shipped off to live with a distant uncle...she felt just as alone as ever.
She spent her time on the Yorkshire moors exploring the surrounding gardens...and that's when she found a key. A curious old key that fit perfectly in a mysterious little door.
And then she realizes what she found. A secret garden.
The garden is rough, neglected and unloved...but Mary sees a spark. And so she pours love into this forgotten garden, and she soon finds out what it is like to be loved in return.
This is my first time I read this one...but wow. It was amazing. Why did I wait so long????
This was such an amazing, gorgeous and touching book.
Mary's story was absolutely compelling to read and I could NOT put it down. The way the garden was described made me want to pick up my shovel and head out to fix things up on my own.
And the conclusion of this story? Absolutely perfect.
Highly recommended!!
The Secret Garden is a children's novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett first published as a book in 1911, after a version was published as an American magazine serial beginning in 1910. Set in England, it is one of Burnett's most popular novels and is considered a classic of English children's literature. Several stage and film adaptations have been made.
عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «باغ اسرارآمیز»؛ «باغ مخفی»؛ «باغ راز:؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ تاریخ نخس
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson BurnettThe Secret Garden is a children's novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett first published as a book in 1911, after a version was published as an American magazine serial beginning in 1910. Set in England, it is one of Burnett's most popular novels and is considered a classic of English children's literature. Several stage and film adaptations have been made.
عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «باغ اسرارآمیز»؛ «باغ مخفی»؛ «باغ راز:؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و چهارم ماه ژوئن سال 1994میلادی
عنوان: باغ اسرارآمیز؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ مترجم: شمس الملوک مصاحب؛ تهران، فرانکلین، 1340، در 338ص؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 19م
عنوان: باغ مخفی؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ مترجم: نوشین ریشهری؛ تهران، سروش، انتشارات صدا و سیما، 1372، در 203ص، شابک چاپ سوم در سال 1389؛ شابک 9789643769185؛
عنوان: باغ مخفی؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ مترجم: مهرداد مهدویان؛ تهران، قدیانی، کتابهای بنفشه، 1375، در 280ص، مصور، رمان نوجوانان، شابک چاپ چهارم در سال 1389؛ شابک 9789644170485؛
عنوان: باغ مخفی؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ مترجم: مریم مفتاحی؛ تهران، آوای کلار، 1392، در 354ص، شابک 9786005395969؛
عنوان: باغ مخفی؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ تصویرگر: گیلی مارکل؛ مترجم: مهسا طاهریان؛ ویراستار عزت جلالی؛ تهران، پینه دوز، 1393، در51ص، مصور، شابک 9789642886258؛
عنوان: باغ اسرارآمیز؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ مترجم: علی پناهی آذر؛ تهران، همگامان چاپ، 1379، در 248ص، شابک9649194355؛
عنوان: باغ اسرارآمیز؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ مترجم: علی پناهی آذر؛ تهران، رود، 1380، در 248ص، شابک 9646869262؛
عنوان: باغ اسرارآمیز؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ مترجم: شیرین صادقی طاهری؛ قم، نسل بیدار، 1379، در 118ص، شابک 9649277102؛
عنوان: باغ راز؛ نویسنده: فرانسیس هاجسن برنت؛ مترجم: شهلا ارژنگ؛ تهران، مرداد، 1382، در 350ص، شابک 9647116144؛
دخترکی دهساله، به نام «ماری (مری) لناکس»؛ پدر و مادر خویش را، در «هندوستان»، از دست میدهد؛ او را نزد عمویش، به «انگلستان» میفرستند؛ عمویش مرد قوزی، و بداخلاقی است، که در جوانی، زن زیبایش را از دست داده، و از آن پس، در باغ زنش را بسته است؛ «ماری»، به یاری پسر جوانی به نام «دیکون»، درِ باغی را که سالهاست نگشوده اند، باز میکند، و سپس پى میبرند، که پسرعموى معلولش «کالین»، در آنسوى باغ زندگى میکند؛ پاهاى «کالین»، حرکت نمیکنند؛ اما با یاریهای «مارى»، و «دیکون»، و وجود باغ، سبب میشوند، تا او تندرستی خویش را، باز یابد
نقل از متن ترجمه سرکار خانم «آرزو احمی»، نشر پیدایش در 416ص: («مری» دوست داشت از دور مادرش را نگاه کند و فکر میکرد او خیلی زیباست، اما چون خیلی کم مادرش را میشناخت، نمیشد از او توقع داشت که دوستش داشته باشد یا پس از مرگ دلش برای او تنگ شود؛ در واقع، اصلاً دلش برای او تنگ نشد و از آنجایی که دختر خودخواهی بود تمام فکرش، مثل همیشه، مشغول خودش بود؛ اگر سنش بیشتر بود بدون شک از اینکه در دنیا تنها مانده خیلی نگران میشد، اما او خیلی کوچک بود، و چون همیشه دیگران مراقبش بودند، تصور میکرد که همیشه هم وضع همین طور میماند؛ چیزی که فکرش را مشغول میکرد این بود که دوست داشت بداند آیا پیش آدمهای خوبی میرود که رفتار مودبانه ای با او خواهند داشت؛ و مثل «آیا» و دیگر خدمتکاران بومی میگذارند هر کار دلش میخواهد، بکند یا نه؛ میدانست در خانه ی کشیش «انگلیسی» که اول به آنجا رفت، نمیماند؛ نمیخواست که بماند؛ کشیش «انگلیسی» فقیر بود و پنج فرزند داشت، که سن همه شان نزدیک هم بود، لباسهای کهنه ای به تن داشتند، همیشه با هم دعوا میکردند و اسباب بازیها را از دست هم قاپ میزدند؛ «مری» از خانه ی نامرتبشان متنفر بود، و آنقدر با آنها بدرفتاری کرد، که بعد از یکی دو روز، دیگر هیچکس با او بازی نمیکرد؛ بعد از روز دوم اسمی رویش گذاشتند، که حسابی عصبانی اش کرد؛ این اسم اول به فکر «بیزل» رسید؛ «بیزل» پسر کوچکی با چشمهای آبی رنگ گستاخ، و بینی سر بالا بود، و «مری» خیلی از او بدش میآمد؛ «مری» درست مثل روزی که «وبا» شیوع پیدا کرده بود، داشت تنهایی زیر درخت بازی میکرد، با تلهایی از خاک، راههایی برای باغش میساخت، که «بیزل» آمد و نزدیکش به تماشا ایستاد؛ خیلی زود به کار «مری» علاقمند شد، و پیشنهادی کرد؛ گفت: «چرا چند تا سنگ آنجا نمیچینی تا مثلاً باغ سنگی بشود؟ آنجا، آن وسط»؛ و خم شد تا نشانش بدهد؛ «مری» فریاد زد: «برو، من از پسرها خوشم نمیآید؛ از اینجا برو.»؛ «بیزل» لحظه ای عصبانی شد، و بعد مسخره اش کرد؛ او همیشه خواهرهایش را مسخره میکرد؛ دورش چرخید، شکلک درآورد، آواز خواند و خندید)؛ پایان نقل
تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 08/07/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 05/06/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Also: counting this as my first BookTubeAThon read even if I read only 2 pages during the actual readathon, I NEED ALL THE BOOKS I CAN GET

In the spirit of A Little Princess, this story recognises the characteristics we must prize most as human beings. The book follows contrary Mary Lennox as she learns a very important lesson from a very secret garden.

As a child, I read this book at least four or five times, along with Frances Hodgson Burnett's other childhood stories about Sarah Crewe (Little Princess) and Cedric (Lord Fauntleroy). They represented a rite of passage for me as a person and as a reader. There is magic involved in coming-of-age stories where children strive to find the kind of life they are meant to live, against all odds, and I fel
"Two worst things as can happen to a child is never to have his own way - or always to have it."As a child, I read this book at least four or five times, along with Frances Hodgson Burnett's other childhood stories about Sarah Crewe (Little Princess) and Cedric (Lord Fauntleroy). They represented a rite of passage for me as a person and as a reader. There is magic involved in coming-of-age stories where children strive to find the kind of life they are meant to live, against all odds, and I felt deeply satisfied each time I closed one of those books, knowing that the protagonists had (once again) made it through various challenges to live a better, more natural and fulfilled life.
So far, so good.
Some childhood classics are better left alone later, signifying a certain phase that can only be "demystified" by rereading, leading to bitter disappointment and loss of the initial enchantment. I hadn't touched The Secret Garden for decades, as I feared the slightly exaggerated, dramatised plot might put me off, and destroy the magic of my memory.
But then I happened to discuss a phenomenon among students in a wealthy, over-privileged area. Many children and teenagers appear phlegmatic, angry, frustrated, lacking initiative to learn and develop, and they demand unreasonable attention without showing any willingness to commit to tasks themselves. We could not make sense of it, seeing that these students had "everything they needed, and more", and met with no restrictions or boundaries from their parents. Shouldn't they be happy? But they aren't. They are among the most neurotic, anxious children I have ever met.
That's when The Secret Garden came to my mind again, - an early case study of childhood neglect in wealthy environments, in which children's physical and material needs are met, but their psychological development is completely left untouched. In The Secret Garden, it is the poor, but well-raised and deeply loved local boy who shows the spoiled, unhappy upper class children how to take on a responsible role for their life, and how to make active and positive decisions rather than throwing fits to let others step in and take over.
Children need boundaries, and nurturing, and meaningful connections to their surroundings. If they are treated with fear and submission, they will turn into tyrants to see how far they can go before they receive some kind of direct attention, negative or positive. If they are handled with too much severity, they will duck and hide, and develop chameleon-like survival strategies. To create a happy, mature, and responsible human being, a balance between rights and duties must be struck, with limits the child knows it cannot overstep without facing consequences, and with areas of creative experimentation, where future freedom of choice can be safely practised.
Just like a flower in a garden, a child needs both space, time and air, and a lot of nurturing, to blossom. I am grateful for the connection I found between my childhood reading pleasure and the everyday worries I face in my profession. A smile, a word of encouragement, a nudge in the right direction, all the small signs that show students that their teachers believe in their power to achieve great things - that's the magic of everyday life. And giving in to their tantrums is not helping those sensitive plants grow. It is stifling their development.
When they claim they are too "tired" or "bored" to read The Secret Garden, and prefer to watch a movie version (if at all), they are in more dire need of overcoming the obstacle of long-term under-stimulation than the protagonists of the story itself. They need to be trained to love reading just like the two unhappy children in the mansion needed to be trained to show interest and care for the garden.
Responsibility and care are acquired skills!

I have a special edition coming that I hope to share with y'all.
Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾
This book is so magical! I love it so much!! 💕🌸
I have a special edition coming that I hope to share with y'all.
Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾
Now one interesting and thought-provoking fact presented in
The Secret Garden is that there actually seems to be a real and almost palpable absence of nurturing father figures throughout (except maybe Dickon, but he is just a boy and in many ways resembles more a Pan-like nature deity, and Ben Weatherstaff really is too old and curmudgeonly to be considered nurturing and fatherly). We do have quite a number of nurturing mother figures portrayed who aid Mary, and later Colin in their recovery (Susan and Martha Sowerby, and even Mary later becomes somewhat of a motherly and nurturing figure towards Colin), but we never see or hear much about a Mr. Sowerby (he is a complete nonentity). And while indeed much is made of the fact that Mary Lennox' mother did not seem to want her child (a fact that is rightfully criticised), that Mr. Lennox did not trouble himself much about his daughter either, while mentioned briefly, is also seemingly accepted as an acceptable societal given. Also that Mr. Craven has spiritually and emotionally totally abandoned Colin, and cannot stand to even see him when he is awake just because his son's eyes supposedly remind him of the boy's dead mother, while this is indeed noted in The Secret Garden, his rather vile and nasty attitude and behaviour towards Colin, towards his son is not (at least in my humble opinion) subject to nearly the same amount of harsh criticisms that Mary's emotional and spiritual abandonment by her mother is. And while I do realise and even understand that the death of Mr. Craven's wife was traumatic for him, both Mr. Carven's and Mrs. Lennox' actions, or rather their lack of love and acceptance towards their children have had the same horrible psychological (and psychosomatic) consequences, basically turning both of them into emotional cripples, and Colin into a hysterical hypochondriac who thinks he has a crooked back. The Secret Garden clearly and lastingly demonstrates that children (no that anyone) can only show love, can only be lovable, if they have experienced love themselves. In the beginning of the novel, Mary is described as tyrannical, unpleasant, thoroughly "unlovable" and also as somewhat odd. But how can Mary know anything about love, if she has never experienced love? Her parents certainly do not seem to want her, and she has basically been abandoned to the care of servants, who have also been instructed to keep Mary out of the way as much as possible (and in her innermost soul, Mary likely also realises this and much and rightly resents this). Mary's temper tantrums towards her Ayah and other servants, her desire to always get her own way, are not merely Mary imitating the behaviour she witnesses among the ex-pat community in India (although that likely also has a major part to play). I believe that in many ways, the servants also act as representatives of her absent parents, and by lashing out at the servants, Mary is also lashing out at her careless, unloving, absent parents by proxy.And even when Mary first arrives at Misselthwaite, there is still a real and ever-present danger that she will never be able to change, to emerge out of her shell (or to change enough, for at least in England, Mary has the opportunity to go outside and play/run, which was not possible in India due to the hot, stiflingly humid climate), for many of the inhabitants of the manor, but especially Mrs. Medlock and Mr. Craven regard Mary, or seem to regard Mary the same way that her parents did, either not at all, or as a cumbersome, even loathsome burden. And without Martha, Dickon, and the influence of Martha's mother (Mrs. Sowerby), and of course, Ben Weatherstaff and the Robin (who is a bird, but might just represent the spirit of Colin's deceased mother), not much would likely have ever changed for Mary or within Mary. There might well have been some physical improvement of her health, but her mental health, her soul, would likely have remained for the most part sour and disagreeable and stagnated.
Finally, I do have to admit that I have a bit of a problem with the fact that oh so many of the adults portrayed in
The Secret Garden (and even inherently positive individuals like Martha and Susan Sowerby) keep bringing up the fact that Mary's mother was supposedly very physically attractive, and that in many ways, Mary is often judged negatively because she is plain, while her mother was considered very beautiful. However, Mary's mother does not in any way care about or for her daughter, and had, in fact, never wanted a daughter, and in my opinion, her careless, unloving attitude (and that of her husband as well) is reflected in Mary's countenance, her whole being. Thus, even though Mrs. Lennox might have been physically sweet looking, she basically has a careless and unloving and massively sour (read nastily ugly) soul, which is in my opinion reflected in her daughter (both spiritually and physically).And just to furthermore point out that this here "Norton Critical Edition" of
The Secret Garden (which seems to have been published in 2006) is to be most highly recommended, especially for anyone interested in both the novel (the narrative) and its historical contexts, diverse critical voices etc., as it provides not only the text proper (which is simply and utterly magical, of course), but also much supplemental information and materials about Frances Hodgson Burnett and her timeless literary classic. And although I do not think that this edition lists every piece of extant literary criticism on The Secret Garden, there truly and fortunately is a goodly amount presented, as well as a solid, although not extensive selected bibliography (most definitely a more than adequate starting point for serious academic study and research). ...more

Publication Date: 1911
"Ofcourse there must be lots of Magic in this world" he said wisely one day "but people don't know what it is."
- Begins as a slow story of an unwanted and ugly child, who grew up to be very disagreeable (Mistress Mary quite Contrary).
- I felt that the curiosity element in this book is the strongest, which makes us curious too.
- Description of the moor, its plants, its breeze, its dampness, its animals and birds is heavenly. (Its saddening to me that
Publication Date: 1911
"Ofcourse there must be lots of Magic in this world" he said wisely one day "but people don't know what it is."
- Begins as a slow story of an unwanted and ugly child, who grew up to be very disagreeable (Mistress Mary quite Contrary).
- I felt that the curiosity element in this book is the strongest, which makes us curious too.
- Description of the moor, its plants, its breeze, its dampness, its animals and birds is heavenly. (Its saddening to me that owing to urbanization, we are destroying these very forests and moors.)
- The emotions conveyed are strong, and the character building is real nice.
- The friendships! Oh my god! Are so good and simple!
- It made me want to be closer to the nature, that I actually went to a nearby park on reading it.
- Its a neat piece of writing, everything is clearly conveyed, the messages, the emotion, the characters, the garden.
- The Yorkshire accent does sound fun!
- There is a Magic in this book!

On another level, I really believe that some people are only as sick as they think they are. Working in the healthcare field, it's obvious to me that some people find it quite easy to take the role of a victim. Again, this book speaks Truth concerning the value of attitude and perspective in overcoming perceived problems and finding out that they weren't as bad as you thought they were.
I have vivid memories of reading this renowned children's classic when I was very young. I can distinctly recall my shock at reading a book with such an initially dislikable protagonist, the likes of which I had not yet discovered during my few years of reading. I was intrigued by the petulant Mary Lennox and was enchanted by her discovery of the secret garden. This, I believe, was my my first introduction to dark and brooding main characters, and probably even honed my
Actual rating 4.5/5 stars.I have vivid memories of reading this renowned children's classic when I was very young. I can distinctly recall my shock at reading a book with such an initially dislikable protagonist, the likes of which I had not yet discovered during my few years of reading. I was intrigued by the petulant Mary Lennox and was enchanted by her discovery of the secret garden. This, I believe, was my my first introduction to dark and brooding main characters, and probably even honed my later love for female Gothic fiction, so I am eternally indebted to it, for that.
It has now been many years since my young repeated readings of this book and I tried to divorce these emotions from my present reading. Whether or not I was successful I could not say, but this still entranced me just as much as it did as a child. This book has always held a nostalgic place in my heart but I now love it even more for the joy it continued to bring to my adult self.

There's a lot of subtle things Frances Hodgson Burnett does right: The way she relates the Garden to Colin's mother and how that affects his relationship with his father--and how all of these things have made him a horribly spoiled brat. That thinking a little differently, and getting
The Secret Garden is a "lovely" story in every sense of the word. Primarily, it's about three kids: Mistress Mary, Dickon, and Master Colin--and how just thinking a little differently can change a person completely.There's a lot of subtle things Frances Hodgson Burnett does right: The way she relates the Garden to Colin's mother and how that affects his relationship with his father--and how all of these things have made him a horribly spoiled brat. That thinking a little differently, and getting some fresh air, and fixing up a Secret Garden can simultaneously fix up his life and his relationship with his father.
Even though it packs a nice punch and does a lot of little things right, the story overall is a tough read. And it goes beyond just being dated and having awkwardly constructed sentences. It's more than the dialogue and the Yorkshire accent most of the characters speak with that makes what they're trying to say almost impossible to decipher for a modern English speaker.
The pacing is awful. There really isn't any conflict. So it's REALLY hard to get into. And that's sad, because it really is a lovely tale.
Frances Hodgson Burnett probably made a deal with the devil, or was BFFs with a fairy, or indulged in some light witchcraft.
i can't imagine another way to make a century's worth of indoor kids think hanging out in a garden, being outside at all seasons, and engaging in manual labor on a regular basis sounds fun. no one who reads children's classics is outdoorsy.
but she did it, because i, a kid who had to be forced to spend time in nature, read this book approximately one
this is probably magic.Frances Hodgson Burnett probably made a deal with the devil, or was BFFs with a fairy, or indulged in some light witchcraft.
i can't imagine another way to make a century's worth of indoor kids think hanging out in a garden, being outside at all seasons, and engaging in manual labor on a regular basis sounds fun. no one who reads children's classics is outdoorsy.
but she did it, because i, a kid who had to be forced to spend time in nature, read this book approximately one million times in childhood.
and i'd do it again!
part of that i-review-books-i-read-a-long-time-ago project. either you already know the drill or you should escape while you still can.

I had to read this for class, but I'm happy that I did! I read A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett when I was younger and loved it, so I'm pleased that I had the chance to read this for a class.
Definitely recommend this to anyone wanting to read an easy classic as I love her writing.
I had to read this for class, but I'm happy that I did! I read A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett when I was younger and loved it, so I'm pleased that I had the chance to read this for a class.
Definitely recommend this to anyone wanting to read an easy classic as I love her writing.

Somewhere around the age of seven or eight I came across a beautiful book in my local library that contained both The Secret Garden and A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I instantly latched onto it and completely fell in love with the two stories. Over the years I checked that book out again and again, and eventually got my own copies.
There is something about The Secret Garden that is so hard to capture in a review. From that first reading, and for e
One of my most cherished books. 💖Somewhere around the age of seven or eight I came across a beautiful book in my local library that contained both The Secret Garden and A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I instantly latched onto it and completely fell in love with the two stories. Over the years I checked that book out again and again, and eventually got my own copies.
There is something about The Secret Garden that is so hard to capture in a review. From that first reading, and for every single reread over the years, it has been the perfect book. Everything about it works for me - the characters are among my favourite ever created, especially Dickon, who is so perfect in such a beautifully real way. Both Mary and Colin are in many ways unlikable characters, especially earlier on, yet I still adore them.
They behave appallingly, but they have also been starved of attention, love and discipline. Their journey over the course of the book, and the way they help each other evolve into better people is so wonderful to follow.
And the garden - that magical garden. It always completely sparked my imagination, and something I really noticed during this read was how poignant the descriptions of magic are in this book - the magic of nature and friendship and the way thoughts can have such an impact on us. It could easily sound preachy I suppose, but somehow it doesn't, at least not to me.
I undoubtedly approach this book with an almost overwhelming sense of nostalgia, and am already so firmly in love with it that I cannot really do anything other than admire it. It's a magical book with a magical garden!
🔑 (Picture the key more old fashioned and romantic as it fits the story better! And the birds were robins and a crow-- I am limited in my options!😁)💟

Note: On 12-19-2019 received this B&N leather-bound copy for my permanent collection of all-time favorite books. (Christmas came a little bit early this year)

Originally published in 1911 The Secret Garden is a true children's classic. One that adults should read as well.
Mary Lennox was born in India. A plain little girl she was not wanted by her mother or father and consequently handed over to the servants to raise. Because her Ayah and the other servants feared her mother would be angry if she was disturbed, Mary was consequently given her own way. She soon became a bossy, nasty, littl
Where, you tend a rose, my lad, a thistle cannot grow.Originally published in 1911 The Secret Garden is a true children's classic. One that adults should read as well.
Mary Lennox was born in India. A plain little girl she was not wanted by her mother or father and consequently handed over to the servants to raise. Because her Ayah and the other servants feared her mother would be angry if she was disturbed, Mary was consequently given her own way. She soon became a bossy, nasty, little girl who was frail, yellow and most often angry. When she was but 10 years of age both her parents and her Ayah succumbed to Cholera, leaving Mary alone with no-one to raise her.
But Mary has an uncle who lives in England on the Yorkshire moors and she soon finds herself at Misselthwaite Manor. Her Uncle lost his wife ten years ago to a tragic accident and since that time is rarely at the manor, choosing instead a life of solitude while travelling. So once more Mary is left on her own, only this time without an Ayah. Through talking and listening to Martha, a young servant at the manor, Mary soon learns about a mysterious secret garden. A garden behind a locked gate that no-one has opened in ten years. And what is the source of that plaintive crying that Mary hears from time to time and everyone else pretends they do not.
A secret garden, a hundred room English Manor, the Yorkshire moors, a 12 year old Yorkshire boy bestowed with nigh on magical persuasion over the woodland creatures, a mysterious cry, lessons learned the hard way and the power of positive thinking. There is plenty to love in this story that can be easily digested by young and old alike.
It is a short read, so take a break, curl up and spend a couple of hours with this charming children's classic, guaranteed to fill you with wonder.
This delightful children's classic, first published in 1911, pulled me right in with the cholera outbreak and continued with a bit of mystery, lots of magic and some pretty important learning experiences for both children and adults alike.
Not surprising this wonderful work is on the "100 Books Everyone Should Read At Least Once" list. Enchanting super-fast read with a beauty
MISTRESS MARY, QUITE CONTRARY. HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? WITH SILVER BELLS AND COCKLESHELLS. AND MARIGOLDS ALL IN A ROW."This delightful children's classic, first published in 1911, pulled me right in with the cholera outbreak and continued with a bit of mystery, lots of magic and some pretty important learning experiences for both children and adults alike.
Not surprising this wonderful work is on the "100 Books Everyone Should Read At Least Once" list. Enchanting super-fast read with a beauty of a cover. Loved it!
The bits that get old after a while: Oh, look, it's a garden! Look, I can run and play! I'm not a cripple after all! Look at the pretty birds! The garden is alive! Now I have an appetite! Isn't it a magical miracle that I'm having fun playing outside?
I just wasn't really impressed.
The story of The Secret Garden is an inspirational one for the children. It tells you how two disagreeable children become lovable, pleasant, and healthy. How does this happen? By the magic of course! - The magic of the garden, the magic of nature. We all know the healing power of nature. It is the best medicine for all our ailments. It soothes and cures our soul, and through the soul, the body, the way it did for Mary "quite contrary" and Colin the "invalid".
The story is well written that I could picture almost all the characters - Mary, Colin, Dickon (oh I loved him) Mrs. Sowerby, and Captain, Soot, Nut and Shell, and all the troupe of Dickon. And the best and the biggest and the most important character is the secret garden itself. I really enjoyed the author's descriptive accounts of the garden and the Yorkshire moorland. It was so refreshing. I could almost swear that I breathed the same fresh air which Mary, Colin, and Dickon breathed, all through the read.
This is the second book I've read of Burnett, first being A Little Princess , which was a childhood favorite of mine. I really like the way she tells her stories. It is bewitching. I didn't really think I would enjoy a children's story this much in my mature years, but it was impossible not to enjoy it. Her writing is so good. She is one of the best children story writers. There is not an atom of doubt there.
What a scandal.
Well, I think this is the first classic that I'm giving a 1 star for so it's a fairly big deal.
Although I did not finish this, I already know how the book wraps up. (view spoiler)[Take a guess. Bratty kid. Mean uncle. Sick kid. (hide spoiler)]
Here's the thing:
Many classics deal with universal ideas. The Secret Garden deals with kids who have been neglected emotionally by their parents, and even though it's overdone now days, I can under
What a scandal.
Well, I think this is the first classic that I'm giving a 1 star for so it's a fairly big deal.
Although I did not finish this, I already know how the book wraps up. (view spoiler)[Take a guess. Bratty kid. Mean uncle. Sick kid. (hide spoiler)]
Here's the thing:
Many classics deal with universal ideas. The Secret Garden deals with kids who have been neglected emotionally by their parents, and even though it's overdone now days, I can understand why it was so popular a century ago. I already know the character will have some self-realization about the fact that she's a little bitchy, ungrateful kid (of course, she will still be racist), and she will live happily ever after with her uncle, never attending school because she's a stupid female. "Oh, she doesn't need school, she needs to jump more rope!"
I just can't connect with a story about a spoiled little rich kid who finds out that they can actually be nice
I also believe the message of the book was loud and clear: if you grow up in a environment like India instead of England then expect yourself to be a bad and mean person too. The message was not: be a nice person even if you're rich or don't be rude and bratty.
And if I have to read one more line of Martha talking, I'll lose it. Can the women speak properly? I don't care if it's some accent. It's goddamn annoying reading it. I also believe her brother was on meth because he would go around the field saying, "ahahaha canna tha' can you hears the birds and smell the honey…"
Classic? Please!
EDIT: No need to point out to me that racism was the norm in the early 20th century. I held no illusion that was contrary to that. However, I also believe that it was not necessarily something everyone subscribed to even back then. There are people born far earlier than Frances Hodgeson Burnett and held far more progressive beliefs and were not so easily led by society to subscribe to such notions. What of men such as William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips after all?
Their code of morals were above a novel whose main purpose was to teach about morals. This is what essentially annoys about this novel. I don't care for the racism in other books. H.P Lovecraft's racism doesn't disturb me. After all, his stories weren't written to teach kids about morality or goodness.
It's the fact that this book is dedicated to correcting the behavior and morals of a child at every instance. However, when the child says, "blacks are not people" and no one bothers to contradict her then whatever message this book was attempting to deliver about morality is lost.
The author is a "product of her time." Sorry, I didn't realize that you had to be born at a particular period of human history to see others of different appearance as human.

Martha & her mother & Dickon & Colin & Mistress Mary... How very charming!
Seriously I got serious deja vu reading about Dickon. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Dickon were to grow up to be Edmund!! (from How I Live Now)
Audiobook narrated by Karen Savage
Is there anything better than cocooning in bed on a cold and rainy night, listening to The Secret Garden?? Just PURE BLISS.Martha & her mother & Dickon & Colin & Mistress Mary... How very charming!
Seriously I got serious deja vu reading about Dickon. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Dickon were to grow up to be Edmund!! (from How I Live Now)
Audiobook narrated by Karen Savage
I only started getting interested in children's books in my late twenties. Weird, huh? I had seen the Merchant-Ivory movie adaptation of "The Secret Garden" when I was a teen, and while I would have never admitted it then, I was fascinated by it. Not to get into details, but the themes of abandonment and parents who are emotionally unavailable that we see time and times again in British children literature hit awfully close to home. Watching "The Secret Garden" was the movie equivalent of cutting: it hurt, but I needed it to hurt. I eventually worked up the courage to get a copy of the book.
Of course it is predictable. Of course the characters of Mary and Colin are spoiled little brats – aristocratic British kids, for god's sake! Of course the resolution is healing. Of course the morals of the story (love is important, nature should be cared for, working on one's self will make us better people) are big no-brainers. But the writing is so beautiful and evocative. I felt for the children, I could taste their anger and their loneliness. I knew why they were mean and bossy. They were cold because they had never known warmth. And enters the metaphor of the garden.
When Mary first steps into the garden, she is afraid it is dead because there are no leaves or blooms. She soon realizes that with a little care and the change of season, it can be just as glorious and lush as it was in her aunt's days. It is very, very obvious that the garden is Mary's heart: not really dead, but in serious need of caring. And if someone who knows how to pull the weeds to make room for the flowers can make the garden beautiful again, a heart can be mended and a person can be made whole and happy again. Once the garden is alive again, she brings Colin in and he eventually gets better too.
"The Secret Garden" made me smile and cry, and it inspired me to work on myself, to make peace with a lot of bad things and to use these bad things as a base from which I could grow to be a stronger and happier person. It helped me get out of my shell, and let my colors shine brighter than they ever had before. I am not sure that Frances Hodgson Burnett meant for her novel to be a lifeline to a lonely girl in Canada, over a hundred years after she wrote it, but I am very grateful for this gorgeous book. I recommend it to everyone.
I'm such a sucker for dark atmosphere, overly passionate tempers, and a manor on the moors (my enduring love of Wuthering Heights is a testament to this). The Secret Garden was worth the re-read not only for these elements, but also because it
"There's naught as nice as th' smell o' good clean earth, except th' smell o' fresh growin' things when th' rain falls on 'em. I get out on th' moor many a day when it's rainin' an' I lie under a bush an' listen to th' soft swish o' drops on th' heather..."I'm such a sucker for dark atmosphere, overly passionate tempers, and a manor on the moors (my enduring love of Wuthering Heights is a testament to this). The Secret Garden was worth the re-read not only for these elements, but also because it offers intensely touching moments and life lessons for any reader of any age.
"Where you tend a rose, my lad
A thistle cannot grow."
Edit: Other striking similarities to Wuthering Heights include: an orphan from a far-away land, a girl's attention divided between two boys, talk of people being 'lost on the moors' and a 'wutherin'' wind, the theme of parental affection, the use of regional dialect, and a female servant who serves as a bridge between two residences on the moors.
...morePrimarily remembered today for her trio of classic children's novels - Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886), A Little Princess (1905), and The Secret Garden (1911) - Burnett was also a popular adult novelist, in her own day, publishing romantic stories such as The Making of a Marchioness (1901) for older readers.
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Is The Secret Garden Sad
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